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  • Writer's pictureStephen Della Casa

Liguria, Italy Photo Tour


Liguria Italy sits on a narrow band of the Mediterranean coast reaching from the French border to Tuscany. Join photographer Stephen Della Casa for seven days and six nights on the Italian Riviera with an emphasis on creative and enlightened image making. With Sanremo, Italy area as our base, we will explore the sights, colours, and textures of the resort town of Sanremo as well as the historic surrounding country villages and the Ligurian coast. In this rustic, vibrant, historic, and fashionable part of the world with its many cultural influences you will find the perfect setting to let your creativity develop. With intimate, small group photo instruction by photographer, Stephen Della Casa and accompanied by a few like-minded photographers, you will explore new creative approaches to image making with an emphasis on colour and design. Stephen, who has a family residence in the area, has travelled extensively to the area and plans to offer you a memorable and creatively rewarding experience.

The creative photography tour, designed for casual to advanced photographers will include, morning and early evening photoshoots, in the field, composition and creative advice, and a small group experience for six to ten participants. The tour package will include accommodation, breakfast, and dinner as well as applicable transfers to photo locations.

With Summer 2022 as the expected date, I am currently in the planning stages. If you are interested in the tour, please contact Stephen directly or Subscribe to my newsletter.

Here is what will be included.

  • Small group tour of 6 to 10 participants lead by photographer, Stephen Della Casa

  • Two shoots daily with an early morning and late afternoon/early evening shoot each day

  • Accommodation in a fine three/four-star hotel

  • Meals: Breakfast and Dinner during the program

  • Transfers when required to the photo locations with a professional driver

  • Personal unscheduled afternoon time from Noon to 3:30 PM

  • Afternoon photo critiques from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

  • Tours will to be offered in July or August 2022.

  • Tours will be booked by a IATA Travel Agent.

  • Insurance and Cancellations options will be available

Not included

  • Travel to Sanremo, Italy. Please consult our travel coordinator.

  • Lunches

  • Alcoholic beverages at dinner

Who is this for and what gear will I need?

The photography tour is for someone with a love of making great images from beginner to advanced amateur and has a basic understanding of photography and the basic operations of their camera. The gear can be minimal or extensive. At a minimum, bring your interchangeable lens camera, a standard, and moderate telephoto lens a few batteries, charger and memory cards. We will also be sharing and discussing images of the day during an hour in the afternoon. A laptop and card reader would also be required to participate in the image sharing feature.

Pricing has yet to be determined depending on hotel and transport vehicle availability. More details about pricing and schedule to come. Please subscribe to my newsletter below to learn more about this and other tours.

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